Peggi Starkey

About Peggi

Growing up when I did, my career options were: a nurse, a secretary, or  a teacher. My mom wanted me to be a nurse, but I didn’t like the idea of needles, blood, or life and death decisions. My intuitive mother knew I would be a good “nurse” because of my compassion for others.

This is why becoming a SimplyALIGN™ practitioner fits so well into my life some 40+ years later.

I am a Mid-westerner, born in North Dakota, raised in Minnesota, and now live in Michigan. My husband and I were married in 1976. We have two children, a son and a daughter. Both are married, one living in Michigan with two sons, and the other living in Arizona.

I love to travel, in fact, I am a part time travel agent. My travels have mostly been because of being involved in singing groups of some kind. Besides choirs, orchestras, and bands in high school and college, I sang with the Minnesota All-State Lutheran Choir, which traveled to the Scandinavian Countries in 1975. (My heritage)

I have been in Sweet Adelines since 1981. This is the inspiration behind the creation of my Musical Mindset Course.  I want to help Sweet Adeline women overcome their fears of singing on stage, and I can do that through the energy work using the SimplyALIGN™ technique. Connecting women to their highest being is my goal.

Because of my music education degree, my Sweet Adeline experience, and my energy work training, I’ve decided to become a Musical Mindset Coach. After studying Universal Laws and the effects of our own thinking,  I now help other people to apply different thinking techniques to transform their own new inspiring life.

I am now offering two options: SimplyALIGN™ sessions or the Musical Mindset Coaching.

The Musical Online Coaching consists of Basic Music Knowledge, Mindset Skills, and Self-Image Development.

I feel great! I have noticed a pretty big change.  I have a different outlook on many things and just general great fullness and happy.  Again, I can’t thank you enough.  I believe you had very much to do with the change.


I appreciate so much the time Peggi has spent with me.  She is very in tune with what is going on with me each time we meet.  She listens and addresses the issue – finding the source to clear it.  I always feel encouraged, hopeful & happier after our sessions.  I am more grateful and appreciative .  I feel my attitude toward life in general is more positive.  I am a work in progress in a positive direction.  Thanks, Peggi


I feel different but I can’t really describe how.  I’m not sure that light is a good term, or maybe a bit more free.  I wasn’t as irritable this past week even though I was really tired and after spending a lot of time with family on our Thanksgiving weekend.
