Peggi Starkey

My God given purpose on earth, is to help women through music gain confidence and self-love!  I am so excited to work with you!


Music has been my passion all my life.  I played piano, flute/piccolo in high school in both the orchestra and band, and I sang in choirs both in high school and the college choirs.  My all time dream was to sing under Paul J Christiansen in the Concordia Choir.  I have a music education degree from Concordia College in Moorhead, MN.


My husband Al and I have been married for 45 years, have two grown children, Reed and Jill. Reed and his wife, Liz, live in Michigan with their 3 sons, Isaac, Ethan, and Logan.  Our daughter, Jill and her husband, Cody, live in Arizona.

My brother said to me when I was younger, “Did you know that you only use 10% of your brain?”  I thought he was telling me that I only used 10% of my brain while others used more. So, the quest began to find out how I could use more than 10% of my brain.   After reading many books and listening to many speakers on how to improve your life, I was led to creating the Musical Mindset Course.  It is interesting how I was so intrigued to find an answer about the brain, that I ended up getting many different answers that I want to share with you!


I will help you to raise your vibrational level to a point beyond imaginable! This is where you experience new opportunities, develop a greater sense of self-worth, and find your true being and purpose in life.  I will guide you through your doubts, fears, worries, and limiting beliefs. I’ll hold your hand as I guide you through the challenges, so you discover your strengths. There is a heaven on earth, and I will guide you to finding it, by teaching you skills to creating a life you really love!  

  As you become more aware and increase your  daily vibrations,  this saying might apply to you.   Are you hanging around the wrong people?  I  remember my director in my travel business  telling me “I needed new friends”.  This  statement stayed with me for many years!  And  it took quite awhile for me to realize what he  really meant.  He was smart to leave a hook in  front of me to explore the meaning of “new  friends”.  Not that your friends are negative,  by any means.  But be aware of who you hang  around.  The top 5 people you hang around is  who you become.  Are you hanging out with  people who inspire and uplift you?  If not, this  group will definitely support you, lift you up,  and praise you!  This group offers solutions to  your problems!