Energy Session

Thank you for visiting my website.  You are here because you either received this link directly or were referred by a friend.  Click the link below and you will be redirected to a secure online payment page. There you can make an $80 payment using your PayPal account for a 55 minute session with Peggi as an energy aligner.


  • Do your thoughts get in the way of your performances?
  • Do you desire to be the best you can be?  
  • Do you self-sabatoge before going on stage?
  • Do you want to enjoy the contest stage even more?
  • Do you have unwanted feelings that are leaving you trapped?
  • Do you criticize yourself?
  • Do you have limiting beliefs?
  • Is there something that happened to you as a child that hinders you?
  • Is there stuck energy in your genealogy?

I believe it is worth investigating if any of the above are buried in your belief system.  When you align with your true, Divine self, these stuck emotions and feelings dissolve away.  You will still have the memory, but without the lingering triggering feelings.  You will feel lighter and vibrate at a higher energetic level.  Vibrating at a higher level will bring your more opportunities.  Both of these affect your performances in a unique way.   See what an energy session can do for you!





Your Top 3 Pains and the solutions for how to overcome them.

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