When God talks, do you listen?

God always finds a way to speak to us. But do we hear? Do we listen? If we do hear God speaking to us, what do we do?

How do you know God speaks to you? When does God talk to you? Do you ever ponder these thoughts?

Do you sometimes feel God isn’t listening to you? Why do we have to see the results that we wanted, to feel that God listened and answered our prayers? What if we got the “wrong” answer to our prayers? What if the answer isn’t what we wanted?

Let me answer some of these questions for you.

What is your expectation from God?

We speak to God through prayer. But sometimes we go with the expectation of a specific answer that we want. Want means lack. Otherwise we wouldn’t want it, because we would actually have it. Plus, if we’re looking for a specific answer, then we are not allowing ourselves to receive what God feels is the best answer for us. And besides, if we are asking with specific answers, who in ourself is asking? Is it our ego? Or is it our soul?

You may ask for a request in prayer, but you should ask expecting to receive the answer that is for your highest good. It could be even better than what you are initially asking.

When God answers prayers, He is giving us the best for our soul. Too often we think our answers to our prayers are, in other words, our outer circumstances. We think that stuff happens TO us. If we change our thoughts to the outcome happening FOR our greater good, then you can reflect on the answer to your prayer in a different way.

You see, when something happen TO us, and we perceive it as something “bad”, then we will continue to have these bad experiences. Once you change your idea as to what God is trying to tell you, you’ll break the resistance you have. Then you’ll receive the answer as truly the best answer for yourself. Maybe God is closing one door to allow for a different door to open.

We need to learn how to listen to God! God is always there for you! Are you always there for Him?

How you will know God is talking to you.

Do you ever get a gut feeling about anything? Do you act on it? Is that the same or different than getting a thought out of nowhere? Both are signs from God. But too often we ignore these “signs”. What happens when we ignore these signs, is that they lessen, or become less frequent.

Instead of ignoring these signs, act upon them. Usually right away is best. It is also very helpful to have a special book to write them in ~ especially if you are not going to act on it right away. Then, you can either follow up on the intuition given to you at a later time; or you’ll read it and say, “I’ve already done that!”

Intuition and gut feelings are two ways God speaks to you. Your gut feeling is when you actually get an upset stomach because you wonder if you should not do something, which is an accurate feeling. And your gut feels good when it is a plan that will benefit you, or be good for you. If you get a bad gut feeling, you know that the decision is not a good one for you. When you get an unplanned thought in your mind, that is an intuition for you. It seems to come out of nowhere. You can open your intuition by rubbing your forehead upwards between your two brows to your hair line with your fingers.

What is the difference between knowing if it is from God or your ego?

It is your ego voice that screams and hollers to get your attention. Yes, we live in a loud world. But now that you are aware of the two different voices, you will be able to discern which voice is speaking to you. The voice that is loud is usually one from your ego. The voice that is quiet is usually from your intuition, or God.

When the voice is loud, we usually react. When the voice is quiet, we usually respond. there is a difference between the way you react or respond. Usually reacting is urgent and responding is calm. Just like these emotions are opposite, so are the outcomes of your actions.

So prayer is your way to talk to God, and through your intuition God speaks to you. But take notice, you need to be calm, quiet, and receptive to hear God’s answers for you. Then, you will be able to hear from God. And the more you listen, the more you will receive intuitions from God.

God is always there for you! He only creates things that are great. Everything He created, he said, “It was good”. And that includes you! We are all uniquely made in His image, which is good. Sometimes we don’t feel that way, but you can always choose to bring your thoughts back to feeling good. Everything God created is good.

I hope this includes your awareness of: 1. that God is always with you, 2. that you are worthy, and 3. God will always speak to you when you ask. Take the time to pause and listen. Your answer will be like a gentle breeze, soft and tender. Listen closely and you will hear the voice of God.