Starting my day with peace.

Today, the snow is falling. This time, it will stay for the winter. Early in the morning I started shoveling without the use of the snow blower, It was my choice to just use the shovel, as I wanted to spend the time in reflection. I grew up in Minnesota so I was used to lots of snow, and I didn’t mind it, especially today. Today it was falling ever so gently. The snow was light and fluffy, the wind was calm, and it was relatively warm for a winter’s day. I wanted to be quiet and still, as today I was starting a new routine. and stillness was one of the six steps toward a new start on my life. I was searching for growth.

As I shoveled, I reflected that each snow flake is unique and different. Then I realized, people were also unique and different. It’s what makes the world so beautiful. I was experiencing warm memories of my childhood life, how my siblings and I would play in the snow, build forts, and make angels.

I wasn’t in a hurry today, as the gentleness of the snow created a calm sense within me. I had time. Time was standing still as I enjoyed what I was doing in the moment. I enjoyed my time alone in God’s beautiful nature. I saw beauty in my neighborhood, and within myself. I was content with being me. I was in a good space. What a great way to start my day! I will continue my day in this tranquil feeling that I had started.

I also counted my blessings as I lifted each shovel. I realized how blessed I was to be alive. I pondered my potential. I explored my possibilities and opportunities. Today, I will look for new miracles to come my way. When I watch for them, I see them and they come to me.

I like starting my day in peace, as I experience God’s wisdom pouring down to me. Peace, I give to you.