Are your thoughts benefiting you?

What are your thoughts? Are you a conscious thinker or a passive, unconscious thinker? Be decisive and clear on your thoughts! And you will manifest a life full of abundance and joy!

Are you aware of how you can raise your vibrational level? This will change your state of being. Perhaps you may be interested in having a better life.


Most likely, like me, you wake up every morning doing the same thing every day, in the same order, with the same thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

Every morning, day, and evening I have such a routine that it doesn’t take any conscious effort to start and end my day. And guess what? I am not creating anything new. My thoughts are set in stone. I have the same connections to my world of family, spouse, pets, work, news, etc. all day long.

Have you ever wondered, “Does it get any better than this?” Usually this statement means that your life is not so good right now, and you do not want more of the same unfortunate things to happen to you. However, it can also mean, “Life is so good to me right now, that I am waiting for more good to come my way!” When you use this phrase, analyze which meaning you are using.

Dennis Deaton states in his book, “The Mind”, that we always have a thought, we must always be thinking.

Conscious Thinking:

In order to raise your vibration you must change your thinking! For instance, be conscious about your thinking, and when you when are deliberate with your thinking, decide if what you are thinking is supporting your life or not?

Do you want to know what one thing can drastically change your vibration each day?

When you wake up and step onto the floor, stretch your arms up and imagine extending roots from the bottom of your feet to the center of the earth. They each have a higher energy and take that energy and connect to your source and place the energy throughout your body and into your heart. Live your day with heartfelt thoughts. Then say, “It’s going to be a GREAT DAY! Say it enthusiastically and say it with confidence.


Then, as you live your day, look for ways your day is great! What is going right for you today? What good things came your way? How are people treating your nicely today? Look for the miracles!

Things don’t happen TO you, they happen FOR you. Perhaps there is a lesson for you to learn.

Norman Vincent Peale states: “Change your thoughts, and change your life.”

You can do this because I have done this. That is proof for you that everything is possible for you!