If you are in a dark room, you turn on the light. The two are opposites. If you are mad, you cannot be glad. If you love others, you do not hate others.

If you want change in your life, it must come from within. You are in control of your outcome. What emotions you project to others boomerang back to you. Do you have road rage? Those name callings and feelings come back to you and block your energy fields. You cannot have hate and love at the same time.

You are separated from the love of Christ. In Christ IS the light and LOVE. A simple act you can do to bring change in your life is to "love your enemy". Send blessings to others. Do this if you want to be blessed. I love to bless other cars on the road, (and the people in the car) people in the grocery store, my friends and family etc.

It takes conscious effort, and it can be challenging. If your daily habits include what you don't like, then the Law of Attraction will bring you more of what you don't like. All that can change with one change from you, but it is continually thinking in a certain way, not just once in awhile. Find the things you are grateful for, then you will attract more of those things that make you happy and grateful.

2020 was a dark year for most. Let's turn on the light in 2021. Turn on the light within you! Whatever you desire is your birthright. And, you are worthy of having all that is good. Search for the good, even the miracles, in your own life, and you will find goodness. Change sickness to health, poverty to abundance, hate to love, unworthiness to worthiness, fear to love, lack of confidence to confidence, sadness to happiness, unsafe to safe, you fill in your "blanks". You can have it all!

Now add that special touch of: faith and trust.

Mother Theresa would not join a protest against war, but she would be there to promote peace. These are opposites, and they have different vibrational levels of energy.

You are more powerful than you know, so tap into these little exercises to experience your transformation! You will be blessed, because you are blessing others.

Be a part of the solution and the light this year. Make a difference, a conscious difference. Bless you, my friends and family from the bottom of my heart. If you have read this to the end, you have been blessed!!